Recordings of the Workshop “Integrating Gender Analysis into Research” (Paris, 16-17 Nov 2022)

The scientific community of the GENDER-NET Plus project gathered on November 16-17, 2022 to discuss approaches to best incorporate sex, gender and intersectional analysis. Health, social sciences and humanities researchers, from across Europe, Canada and Israel, addressed the issue in 6 thematic working groups (closed sessions, find out more in the booklet), engaging in fruitful and rich exchanges. Guest speakers contributed to the conversation and facilitated the breakout groups. You can find below the recordings of the open sessions. 


Londa Schiebinger (Professor of History of Science at Stanford University, Director of the US/EU Gendered Innovations Project) : Keynote speech

Geneviève Almouzni (Member of the ERC Scientific Council, Director of research exceptional class at CNRS, Honorary Director of the Institut Curie) : The ERC Working Group on Gender & Diversity

Nathalie Bajos (Research Director at INSERM, Director of Studies at EHESS, Research Professor – IRIS) : Presentation of the Gendhi Project "Gender and Health Inequalities : from embodiment to health care cascade"

Lydia Gonzalez (MICINN-FECYT – GENDER-NET Plus partner) : Presentation of GENDER-NET Plus “IGAR” indicators

Anne Pépin (Senior Policy Officer at DG Research & Innovation – Gender Sector of the European Commission) : EU Policy for (inclusive) Gender Equality in Research and Innovation - Closing remarks

Presentations from each GNP research project answering the question: “What is the main methodological, theoretical or ethical issue you have faced when integrating the gender and/or sex dimension into your research?