Masculinities and violence against women among young people- Identifying discourses and developing strategies for change using a mixed method approach
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Topic: Gender-Based Violence
The aims of this project are four-fold: 1) to explore and position the discourses that young people (men and women, 18-24 years) in Sweden, Spain, Ireland and Israel use in their understanding of masculinities, 2) to explore how these discourses influence young people’s attitudes, behaviors and responses to violence against women (VAW), (3) to explore individual and societal factors supporting and promoting anti-VAW masculinities discourses and 4) to develop strategies and resources to support and promote anti-VAW masculinities in these settings.
We will achieve aims by conducting innovative, participatory research using a multi-country, mixed-methods approach. In the first phase, data will be gathered using semi-structured interviews and focus groups discussions. In this phase, we aim to identify the discourses that young people use to conceptualize masculinities and VAW. Phase two will consist of a concept mapping study that will quantify the coherence, priorities and perceived relationship between the strategies for supporting and promoting anti-VAW masculinities identified in phase one. Phase 3 involves the dissemination of our results and the development of resources to promote and protect anti-VAW masculinities.
Building on an inter-disciplinary team and engaging participants in implementation of the study (through interactive workshops and advisory groups), we will provide an evidence-base for the design and implementation of gender-sensitive policies aimed at promoting anti-VAW masculinities and challenging and reducing VAW and patriarchy.
Project coordinator
Dr. Mariano Salazar Torres MD Ms.C Ph.D. Global Health (IHCAR), Department of Public Health Science, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Ireland, Israel, Spain, Sweden.
Institutions involved
Karolinska Institutet, Ben-Gurion University, University of Alicante and University College Cork.
Dr. Mariano Salazar Torres MD Ms.C Ph.D. ; mariano.salazar@ki.se
- Midterm Monitoring Workshop Presentation
- Salazar, M., Daoud, N., Edwards, C., Scanlon, M., & Vives-Cases, C. (2020). PositivMasc: masculinities and violence against women among young people. Identifying discourses and developing strategies for change, a mixed-method study protocol. BMJ Open, 10(9), e038797.
- Edwards, C., Bolton, R., Ó Súilleabháin, F., Bear, L., Briones-Vozmediano, E., Cerdán-Torregrosa, A., Cohen, A. Daoud, N., Khoury, M., Nielsen, A. Salazar, M. (2020). Young people’s construction of masculinity and violence against women: a cross-national comparison of Ireland, Israel, Spain and Sweden. PositivMasc WORKING PAPER 1.
- Bolton, R., Leane, M., Edwards, C, Fennell., C. Bear, L., Daoud, N., Marcos-Marcos, J.,Nielsen, A., Salazar, M., Vives-Cases, C. (2020). Mapping the policy and legal landscape in addressing violence against women in Ireland, Israel, Spain and Sweden: a cross-country comparison. PositivMasc WORKING PAPER 2.
Check out the project’s website for more academic publications: https://positivmasc.ki.se/publications/
The PositivMasc project , Karolinska Institutet, University Colleague Cork, Ben Gurion University and Alicante University invite you to our Online International Conference “Engaging youth to promote positive masculinities to end violence against women”.
Our conference aims are to:
1. Share findings from our project PositivMasc (https://positivmasc.ki.se/) to local and international stakeholders and to discuss implications for policy and practice.;
2. Create a space for dialog on how we can engage young people to prevent VAW /GBV and;
3. Be a meeting hub for stakeholders engaged in gender transformative projects around the world.
The conference will include world renowned experts on violence against women and masculinities including Dr. Michael Flood Ph.D. from the Queensland University of Technology (https://www.qut.edu.au/about/our-people/academic-profiles/m.flood) and Dr. Gary Barker Ph.D. president and CEO of Promundo/Equimundo (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-barker-phd-509a96143/).
Looking forward to seeing you at the conference! The final program will be available soon!
Register here: https://ki-se.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0ogqtPkkQD-s1h8JBeiDLg